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clear plastic bottles

Could using more plastic actually help with global warming?


I was very pleased to receive this analysis from Peter Lennie of Bell Packaging, very interesting. Peter is a great advocate of the correct use of plastic packaging i.e. “where it is the most efficient packaging material at protecting and prolonging”.

Turning to the article –  one issue that springs to mind is that I see much more plastic littered than glass (subject of another blog coming soon, “LITTERING”). I think here we need a public re-education programme directed at how to look after our environment. After all, incorrect human behaviour should not dictate how we safely and efficiently package our products?

The second issue that this article prompts in my mind is this: if the use of certain plastics is the best for the environment in terms of depletion of our natural resources, then it seems logical to me to carry on with the good work and dispose of them correctly at the end of their life. Once again, and being repetitive, we need to build PYROLIS units onto each MRF to dispose of hard to recycle plastics and convert them back to their natural constituents, NAPHTHA, ready for reuse? Why can’t this be done, Politicians please help me here!

Thank you, Peter.

plastic flakes

Biodegradable plastics, Staeger & the NNFCC


ShareI was very pleased to receive this analysis from Peter Lennie of Bell Packaging, very interesting. Peter is a great advocate of the correct use of plastic packaging i.e. “where it

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